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Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 Facts about laser printers you didn't knew before.

  1. The fastest laser printer for office use was introduced in 2009. It could print double-sided 37 times and single-sided 47 times in a minute. This printer costs $ 1500.

  2. The first commercial laser printer came to the market in 1975 as a IBM product.

  3. To heat the toner, heat cylinder heats up to 400 degree Fahrenheit.

  4. If the toner touches your cloth, first softly wipe and wash with tap water. Never wash with hot water or the stain will lie there and you would have a great trouble to remove it, because if the toner powder get heated it will melt.

  5. A laser printer could be used for a long time and has 2400 dpi.

  6. Recycled raw material of plastics are used to make laser printer toner cartridge.

  7. When printing, the laser printer uses energy 3 times more than, not in use.

  8. Laser toner powder are made by nano plastic spheres. These are made to be sensitive to static electricity and the process for making toner is kept as a secret by the producers.

  9. Compared to other printers , the laser printer is high in cost, but low cost is spent for printing.

  10. Some colour printers prints the printer model,serial no and date, etc... information in very small dots in every print.


ScorpionGod said...

Ya I really Didn't knew some of facts you mention here. And another fact is Laser printer is dangerous as smoking. Anyway great.

And that's funny the man in the upper right corner. :D

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Sachintha said...

Thanks.I did'nt knew about that.

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