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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mouseless - the invisible mouse

Even the wireless mouse did came it's stay as a device. Saying goodbye to this method,Pranav Mistry in Massachusetts Institute of Technology has introduced a invisible mouse called as mouseless. A IR device should be installed to a computer which hasn't a mouse or being mouseless. There are a number IR rays and even the slightest changes of the rays are detected by a camera. User should stay as normal in front of the computer and keep his hand as if there is a mouse. The movement of the finger is enough to move the cursor , double click, right click, scroll, drag...etc. Mouseless method can detect not only normal mouse clicks, it detects the click patterns the user had added into the library.The user can add various click patterns to the library as his choice. You will think that it seems as a touch pad of a laptop which is limited in area. The rays could be focused to anywhere with a greater area. For ease of the user. The computer identifies the mouseless by a special software. The software was programmed by the team who made mouseless. The team included Pranav Mistry , Liyan Chang and Pattie Maes. This software identifies the clicks or finger movements by shining globes. Anyway , this mouseless unit costs 20 dollars but it would cost low after some time. When this mouseless unit is released to market as commercially the price would get low as 5 dollars.

A. Move

B. Left- click
C. Right- click
D. Scroll
E. Drag

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Miyuru Gunaratne said...

That's GREAT

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