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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The new browser RockMelt

RockMelt was specially designed browser for social networking. The technical task to build the browser was done by Eric Vishria and Tim Howes. Mark Andreesen introduced RockMelt with the help of the above mentioned persons. Anyway, the only way to use the browser is by having an account on facebook. After you enter to the browser (login password of facebook is required to enter) you could see that your facebook friends on the left side of the browser. Not only facebook , the RockMelt browser can connect with twitter microblogging service too. RockMelt supports Windows and Mac OS X platform. Your Favourite Website List is stored on a server unit , so you can access to your account on RockMelt and go to your previous websites. Its just like email account, but the only difference on RockMelt is, being a browser. This is a special feature given only from RockMelt.


Miyuru Gunaratne said...

RockMelt proves that it is so much useful for those who are using social networks.

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