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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The new Linux OS PORTEUS

PORTEUS is one of the free OSs' held in the internet. This OS is fully run by the RAM. It is not required to install it on your hard disk because the main speciality of that is, it could be launched even by a pen drive ( The OS should be stored in your pen drive ).It takes less than 40 seconds for the booting process. The shut down process too will be done in seconds. Extra softwares which come along with PORTEUS are stored in modules. Modules give information only when it is asked and at the other time it doesn't . So this makes the softwares to activate within seconds and the PORTEUS OS fast. Linux Live Script methodology has benefited this OS. PORTEUS was made by upgrading Slaxware using Linux Live Script. SlaxRemix was the name mentioned before. Other hand, PORTEUS would be a great support for those who would like to try Linux OS because it could be easily activate or remove.

---------------------GOT INTERESTED, then you could download it free from------------------ (the file is as little as 300MB)


ScorpionGod said...

I'm the lucky one to comment first. Today people want fast things so this would be great linux OS to use!

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