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Monday, June 6, 2011


In computers, the mostly used technology for information exchange is copper conductors. This could been clearly seen in the motherboard when taken out of the case. Instead of these copper conductors, a new method was discovered recently using optical fibres. Intel Company discovered this technology and named it as LightPeak. Using tiny optical fibres any of the computer devices can be connected together. By using these optical fibres, every copper conductors or copper wires would be replaced. The special advantage occupied by these optical fibres is the speed of data transferring speed through it.The speed is 10 Gbps, so to copy 25 Gb of data it takes only 30 seconds or less. This LightPeak technology ids even faster than the new USB port interface USB 3.0 which has a speed of 5 Gbps. 


By 2020, the speed could be increased to 100 Mbps. The optical fibres used for the method LightPeak has a circumference of 62.5 micron-wide.That's as half of a single hair. Normally optical fibres are made of glass and easily fragile. These LightPeak fibres are made by a special type of plastic called Ultem plastic. Because of the special type of plastic, this fibre is high in flexibility. Another cover is installed in this fibre for the resistant of bends. Further these optical fibres resists dust and is shockproof. Therefore this suits for the day to day activites.
In 2009 September 23rd, the Intel Company revealed about this LightPeak Technology in the IDE (Intel Developer Forum) conference. After this the Intel Company showed that LightPeak works by a computer system which is connected each other by LightPeak fibres in 2010 May 24th.


Miyuru Gunaratne said...

I think so LightPeak enables users to transfer data very quickly.It's actually cool when comparing others.

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